Upcoming events

Plant Sale

Plant Sale

We are holding our first ever plant sale!

indoor and outdoor plants available

⁠all outdoor plants grown locally and are suitable for NE climate - ⁠low cost

all funds go to the sensory garden


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Litter Pick

Litter Pick

  • 4 Cardens Knowe Scotland, AB22 8PE United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Meet at the Container at the end of the Alex Collie car Park

Important Stuff

Wear sturdy footwear along with gloves and clothing, appropriate for the activity (which you don't mind getting messy!) and the unpredictable Aberdeen weather. Wrap up warm - you can always take it off.

Tools will be supplied, but if you prefer to bring your own - that's fine too.

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Litter Pick

Litter Pick

  • 4 Cardens Knowe Scotland, AB22 8PE United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Meet at the Container at the end of the Alex Collie car Park

Important Stuff

Wear sturdy footwear along with gloves and clothing, appropriate for the activity (which you don't mind getting messy!) and the unpredictable Aberdeen weather. Wrap up warm - you can always take it off.

Tools will be supplied, but if you prefer to bring your own - that's fine too.

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Wildflower Maintenance Session

Wildflower Maintenance Session

  • Cardens Knowe Aberdeen, Scotland, AB22 8PE United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Important Information (what to wear / bring / will tools be supplied / how to book etc)

Wear sturdy footwear along with gloves and clothing, appropriate for the activity (which you don't mind

getting messy!) and the unpredictable Aberdeen weather. Wrap up warm - you can always take it off.

Tools will be supplied, but if you prefer to bring your own - that's fine too.

To book a space email: friendsofwestfieldpark@gmail.com

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Christmas Star Workshop

Christmas Star Workshop

  • Cardens Knowe Aberdeen, Scotland, AB22 8PE United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to announce we will be holding our first Christmas craft workshop.

We have 20 spaces available to make youhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christmas-star-workshop-tickets- 743830445887?aff=oddtdtcreator&fbclid=IwAR2Kv6idXbdFyYD-vcD3xsPXx9DxOt- hEPGCOYJ3kDRPMDc8DdGNiecYa5c r very own rustic 20" Christmas star using willow, tree twigs,

twine and outdoor battery operated lights.

Booking essential via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christmas-star-workshop-tickets-



Tickets are £12.50 pp. All materials included.

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Litter Pick

Litter Pick

  • 4 Cardens Knowe Scotland, AB22 8PE United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Meet at Westfield Park sign beside the Alex Collie Centre.

Important Stuff

Wear sturdy footwear along with gloves and clothing, appropriate for the activity (which you don't mind getting messy!) and the unpredictable Aberdeen weather. Wrap up warm - you can always take it off.

Tools will be supplied, but if you prefer to bring your own - that's fine too.

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Litter Pick

Litter Pick


The meeting place will be shared on booking.

Important Stuff

Wear sturdy footwear along with gloves and clothing, appropriate for the activity (which you don’t mind getting messy!) and the unpredictable Aberdeen weather. Wrap up warm - you can always take it off.  

We usually stop for a short break during our sessions and recommend taking a wee flask of tea or coffee to drink (and warm your hands). Please take along your own cup.

Tools will be supplied, but if you prefer to bring your own – that’s fine too.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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